@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001307, author = {水島, 恵一 and 草田, 寿子}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {1983-03-01, 2012-05-24}, note = {In psychotherapeutic imagery interview, the clients often produce more than two selves. Such plural selves are regarded as subsystems of total personality, and their characteristics and dynamic processes are largely corresponding to those of actual pathological double-personality. In this paper, we have examined 9 cases of experimental or training imagery interview in which double selves were observed. Many phases of dynamics of seperation (or differentiation) and integration as well as other characteristics were found. These are regarded as the products of the imagery situation which strengthens the so-called "primary proocess" of the depth and allows flexibility in the structurization. Also, it is regarded that not only the incongruent parts (especially caused by the repressed strong affects or negatively valued desires) are structurized as the subsystem (due to defense mechanisms), but also the somplexity, variety or potentiality of human nature needs plural sub-systems in healthy personality.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {イメージ面接にあらわれた二重人格的自己 : 自己構造化の解明に向けて}, volume = {5}, year = {} }