@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001516, author = {岸田, 直子 and Kishida, Naoko}, journal = {文教大学紀要, Annual Report of the Bunkyo University}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper is an attempt to analyze the word order of Middle English. Previous attempts such as E.C.Traugott (1965) and J.C. McLaughlin (1970) seem to assume the subject-predicate construction existed in ME without much discussion. I think the topic-comment construction as is formalized in J.S. Gruber (1969) plays as essential part in ME syntax.}, pages = {123--128}, title = {中世英語統語論の諸問題}, volume = {12}, year = {1978}, yomi = {キシダ, ナオコ} }