@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000063, author = {櫻井, 淳 and Sakurai, Jun}, journal = {情報研究, Information and Communication Studies}, month = {Jul}, note = {The degradation of farmland has recently become severe because of the aging of farmers and the lack of successors, and its countermeasures are important policy issues. In order to promote the countermeasures, it is essential to understand the situation of degraded farmland. Municipalities and agricultural committees are therefore conducting surveys on farmland use every year. However, as the surveys cover all farmland in a municipality, errors or omissions in the recording of the location of farmland are inevitable even though a great deal of effort is expended for the surveys. This study proposes a machine-learning method for the automatic determination of cultivated and non-cultivated land using aerial photographs and verifies the accuracy of this method. It examines the feasibility and problems of this method to support the surveys of farmland use.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {航空写真を用いた機械学習による農地パトロールへの活用可能性の検討}, volume = {67}, year = {2023}, yomi = {サクライ, ジュン} }