@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000117, author = {戴, 秋娟 and Dai, Qiujuan and 章, 暁強 and Zhang, Xiaoqiang}, journal = {言語と文化, Language and Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {Historical research must be built on a sufficient foundation of historical materials and literature, and Japanese studies are no exception. Recently, with the improvement of Chinese scholars’ proficiency in Japanese, it is not uncommon to directly use contemporary Japanese literature for research. However, the utilization of modern Japanese historical materials and literature is not comprehensive enough. The situation is not only related to the emphasis on contemporary Japanese history in China, but also due to the difficulty in interpreting modern Japanese historical materials and literature. While many Chinese scholars excel in interpreting modern Japanese historical materials and literature, their work is often less known to those outside the academic community. Therefore, focusing on the translation experience of “Kosei-nikki(航西日記)” from Japanese to Chinese, this article discusses the translation issues related to personal names, place names, and object names expressed in Chinese or foreign language. And explores cultural differences between Orient and Occident, and so on. Also, introduces various challenges in translating modern Japanese historical materials and literature.}, pages = {31--61}, title = {近代日本語資料の人名、地名と物名の漢訳問題について : 『航西日記』を中心に}, volume = {36}, year = {2024} }