@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002152, author = {椎野, 信雄 and Shiino, Nobuo}, journal = {湘南フォーラム, Shonan Forum}, month = {Mar}, note = {The School of Public Health is the main educational institution for public health professionals in the Western world. Organized higher professional education and training of public health professionals began in the early 20th century in America. It was in 1916 that Johns Hopkins University in the United States established the world’s first independent graduate school of public health; The Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Johns Hopkins was the first university in the world to confer a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in graduate education. JHU has evolved into a graduate university since then. Thus, the establishment of Schools of Public Health (SPH) commenced for the development of human resources in public health and the establishment of the academic foundations of public health in the United States. Currently, there seem to be 67 SPHs and 160 program schools (offering Master of Public Health courses) in the United States. This paper will examine the past, present, and future challenges of U.S. graduate schools of public health as a professional education system.}, pages = {115--128}, title = {米国における公衆衛生学専門教育制度の歴史を巡って}, volume = {28}, year = {2024}, yomi = {シイノ, ノブオ} }