@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002157, author = {上谷, 香陽 and Uetani, Kayo}, journal = {国際学部紀要, JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES BUNKYO UNIVERSITY}, month = {Jul}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to read a Korean novel Kim Ji Young Born 1982 from the perspective of Dorothy Smith’s IE(Institutional Ethnography). This paper argues that this novel describes the same kind of ‘women’s experience’ as women’s movement in North America has questioned since late 1960’s. Based on Smith’s article about ‘women and mental illness’, this paper examines how institutional discourse rules and regulates ordinary way of knowing through the social organization of knowledge in institutional process. There is a disjuncture between primary narrative of people’s experience and ideological narrative in institutional discourse. Primary narrative is used as raw material for producing ideological narrative which is described as factual account of people’s experience. Ideological narrative subsumes what people know from their actual experience as a case or an instance of the universalized concept of the discourse. In producing factual account, primary narrative of people’s experience is reassembled by the interpretive schema of the discourse and displaced by objectified knowledge. Thus the disjuncture between both narratives is concealed. In this process of social organization of knowledge, interpretive schema of the discourse selects from primary narrative only what is accountable within the discourse. Inspired by the women’s movement in North America, Smith critically reconsiders the way of constructing the ‘women’s experience’ which has been taken as illogical and often treated as mental illness by psychiatric factual account. She explicates that such ‘experience’ is produced through social organization of knowledge in institutional process, where institutional discourse operates to exclude what women know from within their everyday and everynight actualities. Following Smith’s sociology, this paper considers the way of making an alternative sociological description which makes use of the language of everyday life as the basis for investigating the social.}, pages = {1--19}, title = {「女性の経験」と知識の社会的組織化-ドロシー・スミスのIEに依拠した『82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン』の読解(1)-}, volume = {32-1}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ウエタニ, カヨ} }