@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002160, author = {奥田, 孝晴}, journal = {国際学部紀要, JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES BUNKYO UNIVERSITY}, month = {Jul}, note = {Due to calamitous pandemic of COVID-19, the contemporary world seems to be under big hardships of catastrophic dissolution of socioeconomic formation as well as devastation of peoples’ minds. As Albert Camus mentioned in his novel LA PESTE , the pandemic situation has forced us to face up to fate of “overwhelming irrationality.” From viewpoint of sociopolitical aspects, this pandemic has specified the established worldwide disparity hat has been fostered by prevalence of neo-liberalism, i.e., discriminated differentiation on racial, ethnic groups and social “castes.” For example, in the United States as the most infectious nation, because most of essential workers are non-white people, they have to have higher risk of infection of COVID-19 than white people belonging to white-color who can engage in teleworks. Thus, we can see clear difference of death rate among racial groups. We can also observe growing international conflicts in the global stage. Due to national authorities’ maneuvered politics, social unrest or peoples’ antipathies are intentionally intensified, and they are inclining into the corner of “me-first” with exclusive sentiment. Especially, conflict between America and China has come to the stage of scramble of hegemony that has been rapidly escalated by COVID-19 pandemic. Overcoming these hardships, we should have wisdoms for achieving better global civil society in the post-pandemic era based on principles of international peace and co-prosperity. Through this paper, the author will analyze the contemporary aspects of the world under COVID-19 pandemic and try to get them.}, pages = {21--33}, title = {「ポスト・パンデミックの世界」研究試論-COVID-19パンデミックとグローバル権力構造変動に関する概括}, volume = {32-1}, year = {2021} }