@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002260, author = {浅野, 正}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {2013-03-01, 2013-04-01}, note = {Recent research on sex offenses indicates that a deviant sexual interest is a characteristic of sex offenders that strongly predicts sexual recidivism. Research has also shown that anti-social tendencies are prevalent among sex and non-sex offenders and associated with sexual recidivism, violent recidivism, and other types of recidivism, while deficits in social skills, isolation, anxiety, and low self-esteem are important features of sex offenders possess but have little impact on recidivism. Findings from the current research suggest that the educational program to prevent re-offending by sex offenders in Japanese prisons should be improved. First, the prison staff ought to create a new course in which sex offenders learn how to control their deviant sexual interests. The new course should have as many sessions as the present self-management course because the course on deviant sexual interests is as important as the self-management course. Second, the educational staff in prison should implement the present self-management course to reduce anti-social tendencies as part of the educational program to prevent re-offending by sex offenders and also as part of other educational programs in prison. Third, the educational program to prevent re-offending by sex offenders should be re-organized and will consist of three courses, that is, a course on deviant sexual interests, a self-management course, and a new third course. Characteristics of sex offenders such as a deficit in social skills, isolation, anxiety, and low self-esteem will be improved by this new course.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {性犯罪に関する最近の研究動向と矯正施設における性犯罪再犯防止指導}, volume = {34}, year = {} }