@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002330, author = {藤田, 雅子}, journal = {言語と文化, Language and Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {Sweden is a long country from Lappland to Skane. Traditional cultures are various. Here I mainly discuss about the life and the culture in Stockholm and its neighborhoods. New Year, Easter, the spring bonfire, May Day, Midsummer, crayfish party, All Saints, Advent, Lucia and Christmas. These seasonal events are poplar in Sweden. Traditional culture is not only a reflection of geographical features but also product of outside influences. Germanic, Russian and English influences have remained in Sweden. The social setting for the traditions are changing through the life and the seasons. This country has transformed from an old-fashioned agrarian society to a modern industrial nation. Tax payment by self-assessment, the academic calendar, the government budget, the election and the Nobel prize's conferment. These modern events are also woven the traditions.}, pages = {65--87}, title = {スウェーデンの季節と行事に見る生活と文化}, volume = {12}, year = {2000} }