@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002867, author = {石原, 俊一}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {2014-03-01, 2014-03-01}, note = {Recent studies have found that Type D personality is associated with the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). A type D personality is characterized by the two stable personality traits of negative affectivity (the tendency to experience negative emotions across time and situations) and social inhibition (the tendency to inhibit the expression of emotions and behaviors in social interactions to avoid disapproval by others). However, few studies have explored whether Type D personality is associated with particular patterns of cardiovascular responses to stress. The present study examined whether cardiovascular reactivity to psychological stress was a possible mediating mechanism by which Type D personality affects cardiovascular health. Twenty-nine students were classified as individuals with Type D personality (n = 15) or individuals with another personality type (n = 14) based on their score on the Japanese version of the Type D Personality Scale (DS-14). Both groups performed a cognitive reaction time task (40 trials). During task performance, each subject's heart rate (HR), blood pressure (SPB and DBP), and spectral indices of HRV, such as low frequency power (LF), high frequency power (HF), and the ratio of low frequency power to high frequency power (LF/HF), were measured. Subjects also completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Results indicated that individuals with a personality type other than Type D had significantly fewer changes in their cardiovascular responses. However, individuals with a Type D personality continued to have a high HR and LF/HF. According to the POMS, individuals with a Type D personality had significantly more negative emotions such as Tension-anxiety, Depression-dejection, Anger-hostility, fatigue-inertia, and Confusion-Bewilderment compared to individuals with another personality type. Results suggested that having a Type D personality is a psychological risk factor associated with the development of hypertension and CHD. 【目的】近年,タイプDパーソナリティが心疾患発症の心理学的要因として注目されるようになった.タイプDパーソナリティは,ネガティブ感情(Negative Affectivity : NA)と社会的抑制(Social Inhibition : SI)の2つの要因から構成される.NAは,不安,抑うつ,怒り,攻撃性,敵意,抑うつなどネガティブな感情を喚起することが多く,自己に対して消極的な考えをもつ傾向である.一方,SIは,他者からの反感を避けるため,社会的な場面においての感情表現を抑制する傾向である.  本研究では,ストレス課題におけるタイプDパーソナリティの心臓血管系反応に及ぼす効果について検討した.【方法】実験参加者:399(男性99名;平均年齢20.17±1.23歳,女性300名;平均年齢20.07±0.93歳)名にタイプD尺度を配布し実験協力を求めた.実験参加の同意が得られた133名(男性34名;平均年齢20.61±1.77歳,女性99名;平均年齢19.69±1.20歳)から,+ISDを超えた高得点者(49点以上)をタイプD群15名(男性5名;平均年齢20.2±1.10歳,女性10名;平均年齢20.1±0.99歳),非タイプD群14名(男性6名;平均年齢21.7±1.97歳,女性8名;平均年齢20.6±1.19歳)の計29名を実験対象とした.生理学的反応の測定:HR,SBP,DBP,LF/HF比を測定した.手続き:ストレス事態は,図形認識課題を用い,40試行,10分間行った後,5分間の回復期を設定した.また,実験前・後の気分の変動を測定のため,POMSへの回答を求めた.【結果】HRにおいて群の主効果と群と時間の交互作用が認められ,統計的に有意な効果は認められなかったが,LFHL比について同様な傾向が見られた.タイプD群では,課題中の交感神経活動が高まり,さらにその状態が維持され,POMSの結果でも緊張・不安などネガティブ感情の上昇が認められた.【結語】タイプDパーソナリティは,CHDの発症に関連する心理的な危険因子であることが部分的に示唆された.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {ストレス課題におけるタイプDパーソナリティと心臓血管系反応の関連性}, volume = {35}, year = {} }