@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002984, author = {金藤, ふゆ子}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to ascertain and identify indices to evaluate the effectiveness of afterschool programs run by school-parent-community partnerships in Japan. Afterschool programs have often been evaluated in the West, and especially in the US, and numerous studies have examined the evaluation of those programs. In contrast, afterschool programs have seldom been evaluated in Japan and few studies have examined the evaluation of those programs. Recently, however, government budgeting agencies have mandated that afterschool programs be evaluated as effective in order to continue receiving funding. Evaluation of those programs is also needed so that local school boards can justify their existence. Focusing on school-based afterschool programs, known as ‘After-school Classes for Children’ in Japan, this study developed indices to evaluate the effectiveness of those programs. First, indices to evaluate afterschool programs were conceived of at three levels. The first level concerns the primary aim of after school programs, which is to provide children with a safe place to go afterschool. The second level concerns the secondary aim of those programs, which is to effectively increase knowledge, teach skills, and encourage certain behaviors. The third level concerns additional aims of afterschool programs determined by the school, parents, and local residents. The indices developed here cover children as well as the school, parents, and local residents. Specific evaluation indices have been proposed based on this theoretical study. Plans are to conduct an empirical study of the proposed evaluation indices in the future in order to verify their applicability to afterschool programs for children. 本研究は、日本の児童・生徒を対象に実施される放課後プログラムの効果測定のための評価指標の構造と内容を明らかにすることを目的としている。放課後プログラムの評価は、欧米諸国、特にアメリカ合衆国では実践と研究の蓄積がある。しかし、日本においてはまだ実践・研究共に少ない状況にある。本研究は、日本の放課後プログラムの評価指標の構造を3層構造で捉える。さらに児童・生徒に対する評価指標の他、学校、家庭、地域住民、等について、それぞれに放課後プログラムの実施によって期待される効果測定のための評価指標を理論的に検討し、指標試案を提案する。}, pages = {13--27}, title = {学校・家庭・地域の連携による放課後プログラムのための評価指標の開発}, volume = {36}, year = {2015} }