@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002991, author = {幸田, 達郎 and コウダ, タツオ and Koda, Tatsuo and 名尾, 典子}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {2015-03-01, 2015-03-01}, note = {Exploratory research was conducted to identify the special competencies that women who have experience raising or caring for children possess and to ascertain in what aspects of job performance such competencies would enable them to excel. We at first considered methodological problems for carrying out qualitative research. They then conducted interviews with target subjects, and based on the results of the interviews, developed a preliminary hypothesis that will be tested with empirical research. 育児経験を持つ女性が職務遂行において特にどのような側面で秀でている可能性があるのか、育児経験を持つ女性の能力特性を明らかにするための探索的調査を行った。質的な研究を展開するにあたって、まず、方法論上の問題を検討した。インタビュー調査を行い、その結果として実証研究につなげるための変数の抽出を試みた。}, pages = {113--122}, title = {育児経験が職務遂行能力に及ぼす影響について : インタビュー調査を用いた要因の探索}, volume = {36}, year = {} }