@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003075, author = {中條, 安芸子}, journal = {情報研究, Information and Communication Studies}, month = {2009-07-01, 2009-11-27}, note = {In this paper, we suggest that a high school and university educational consortium be formed as soon as possible in Kanagawa. The present form of high school/university cooperation university professors visiting high schools to teach model classes-is not sufficient to achieve the aim of educational partnership. High schools and universities must devise educational programs together so that students can make a smooth transition to university or career. For 10 years, Bunkyo University and its high school partners have been developing programs that help high school students to become active in developing career goals through finding what they are interested in and what they want to learn. The goal of the programs, which include first-year university classes that develop study and career skills, is for students to become stronger and to develop into mature, responsible adults. To show a serious commitment to education, the urgent need is for a consortium that allows these programs to expand from one university and its high school partners to all such institutions.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {高大連携で問われる地域の教育力}, volume = {41}, year = {} }