@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003429, author = {栗林, 訓}, journal = {情報研究, Information and Communication Studies}, month = {Jan}, note = {Financial options are said to be rather complicated instruments. This would imply that they have higher added-values compared with other investment vehicles. In fact, options are the most fundamental tool and others can be created by combining options. In this sense, options are the basis of R & D for the financial industry and investors.  This article consists of two parts. Part I covers basic option strategies. Part II reviews international financial options markets. Two appendices take up statistical topics relevant to the practical applications of options. \n 本稿のパートIはオプションの基本戦略までをカバーする。パートIIは世界の金融オプション市場の現況をレビューする。補論1は対数正規分布の特性とオプション投資の期待収益率を取り上げる。補論2はデルタ(△)が正規分布に等しいことを証明する。}, pages = {67--98}, title = {金融オプション(その1)}, volume = {16}, year = {1995} }