@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003546, author = {福島, 一人 and Fukushima, Kazundo}, journal = {情報研究, Information and Communication Studies}, month = {Jul}, note = {Because the Tokyo Olympic Games are to be held in 2020, more and more foreign tourists are expected to visit Japan. The English signs in Japan’s famous places have to be increased in number and improved in quality so that the tourists will be able to enjoy fruitful and profitable trips to them. This paper is expected to contribute to the benefits of the people who write English signs on behalf of ordinary or general foreign tourists. It is based on the papers, Fukushima ( 2011.1 ) ? ( 2015.1 ), and will examine the English signs found in Kamakura which is said to be one of the most visited locations in Kanagawa Prefecture. In Fukushima ( 2015.1 ), the English signs are classified into two categories, one for general notices and the other which describes characteristics of the spots concerned. This paper specifically examines the signs which indicate the general introductions of the famous places concerned, such as Daibutsu, Tsurugaoka Hachimanguu, Hase-dera, the Kamakura Gozan ( the five principal Zen temples of Kamakura ), and Meigetsu-in. Before showing those examples, the orthography of the English letters to which Japanese words are transcribed and the suggestions of the introductory notes for the use of typeface, brackets, parentheses etc. will be given. They concern the examples of signs seen on the streets, in public transportation, and commonly accessed places by tourists.}, pages = {17--35}, title = {観光英語( 8 ):神奈川県の名所鎌倉に見られる案内板の英語}, volume = {53}, year = {2015}, yomi = {フクシマ, カズンド} }