@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003561, author = {小林, 謙二}, issue = {1}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {2008-07-01, 2009-11-21}, note = {The population of Internet users has been estimated to be 79.48 million people in Japan, with a diffusion rate of 62.3%, according to figures published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in June 2005. An increase of Internet users and the growth of the Internet environment are said to be indications of economic and social progress. The Internet is an essential tool for information gathering in the business world, and it now pervades society as an indispensable media and tool in daily life. The purpose of this research paper is to attempt to verify the premise that "The successful company combines an advanced business model and `revolutionary' technology to spur innovation" in today's Internet environment. In business development, emergent venture companies are growing through the use of the internet for various business purposes. The success factors of new venture companies that are said to be the mainspring of growth and development will be examined and verified. How this paper will proceed is as follows: I will examine the theory of innovation that underlies the power of sustainable growth of venture companies, along with the concomitant theory of growth and development. In particular, in the case of venture companies that continue to grow based on their IT skills, it will be shown that this is the "source engine" of their business success. Such companies are examined as primary case studies. Finally, innovation theory and the theory of growth and development are assumed to be essential clues to such success, and these factors are analyzed. In conclusion, I think that the assumption that "The successful company combines an advanced business model with `revolutionary' technology to spur innovation" is confirmed in this paper.}, pages = {47--63}, title = {ベンチャー企業の持続的成長・発展のためのイノベーションモデルの研究 : その理論と成功企業の事例}, volume = {19}, year = {} }