@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003601, author = {丸山, 鋼二}, issue = {1}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {2005-07-01, 2009-12-17}, note = {After the Pacific War of World War II, the Civil War between the Guomindang (the Nationalist Chinese Government) and the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) broke out in China. CCP triumphed over the Guomindang, especially in the Manchurian battlefield, scrambling for the assets of ManzhouGuo (the Manchurian Regime). CCP made their best effort to get the tacit support and active cooperation from the Red Army of the Soviet Union to fortify the military power in Manchuria (the Northeast of China). The Friendship and Alliance Treaty between the Soviet Union and the Republic of China provided that the Nationalist Chinese government is the only legitimate government and should have the claim to take over the dominion of Manchuria from the Red Army of the Soviet Union. Therefore, the Red Army of CCP was obliged to take military action secretly in Manchuria. This is CCP's "back strategy" for Manchuria. On the other hand, CCP aimed to take over the regime from the Red Army of the Soviet Union as comrade and erect the new Northeast Regime or prefectual government. That is CCP's "public strategy" for Manchuria. Its aim is to rationalize CCP's being in Manchuria by obtaining the legal right and legitimate justice, carrying the banner for "the Northeast people's government for Northeast people by Northeast people".}, pages = {19--39}, title = {戦後初期の満州における中国共産党の「政府」樹立工作}, volume = {16}, year = {} }