@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003708, author = {髙井, 典子}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {This paper examines a theoretical approach to identify values that are created by guide interpreters in the Japanese inbound tourism. There are few empirical and/or conceptual studies that focus the roles and values of guide interpreters in the contemporary Japanese tourism scene, although they are supposed to be important value-adding human resources in the current Tourism Nation Promotion initiatives. The author attempts to rectify this research gap by employing a theoretical framework of services marketing, namely, a measurement of service quality.   The study starts from outlining the current status of guide interpreters in Japan, especially in terms of their importance in promoting Japan to foreign visitors. Next, recent deregulations regarding guide interpreters are summarised, and the pertinent service quality issues follow. The paper proceeds to some theoretical accounts of services marketing literature, a SERVQUAL model in particular, a widely-used multi-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality.   Reflections as to whether such a framework could be applied to service quality of guide interpreters are presented: a SERVQUAL model may be useful in measuring guide interpreters’ service quality although it needs rearrangement of scales as some of them are inappropriate in evaluating guide interpreter services; considerations also need to be given to the nature of Japanese guide interpreter businesses since they are mostly self-employed, one-man-band professionals basically without organisational support from travel companies and alike, meanwhile a SERVQUAL model is essentially to measure the service quality offered by service firms. Theoretical and empirical advancement of our knowledge about guide interpreters’ service quality is recommended by proposing a future research avenue.}, pages = {119--134}, title = {インバウンド・トラベルにおいて通訳ガイドが提供する価値へのSERVQUALモデルの適用可能性}, volume = {21}, year = {2011} }