@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003808, author = {荒井, 宏祐}, issue = {1}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {2000-07-01, 2011-11-29}, note = {In Jean-Jacques Rousseau's unfinished posthumous work "Les R?veries Du Promeneur Solitaire" I perceive two projects. One is his concern to reconsider who he is, and to continue his personal development in his old age. The other is to impress upon his mind many kinds of landscapes and to merge with nature.  First, I examine his process of personal development, using the life-review theory offered by R.N.Butler in 1963, and find that Rousseau's own life review enables him to avoid yielding to despair and helps him to reintegrate his ego after improving his self-esteem.  Second, I use some recent studies on landscape to argue that Rousseau's various descriptions of natural scenery can help us comprehend better the relationship between man and landscape.  Finally, I conclude that metaphorically Rousseau is still living with us, due to his gerontological thoughts and his ecological insight into landscape.}, pages = {53--70}, title = {『孤独な散歩者の夢想』(J.-J.ルソー)における老年期の課題と風景の世界 : 考察序説}, volume = {11}, year = {} }