@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000381, author = {角田, 巌}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {2000-12-01, 2009-11-24}, note = {Playing with nature is an activity that restores the gaps and grooves that lie between human culture and nature, and pursues the recovery of humanity. When playing with nature, the ideology of ecology, environmental ethics, and the preservation of nature must be respected. These ideologies overcome the natural observation in anthropocentrism, and are based on the observation of nature in non anthropocentrism in which the objective is in the symbiosis of nature and human beings. ln the present time, nature is being destroyed by the recreational impact of our consumer lifestyle caused by technology such as the automobile. What we must do is take good care of our relationship with the sustainable, harmonious nature, and pursue an alternative relationship.}, pages = {61--69}, title = {自然との遊びのオルターナティヴな視野}, volume = {22}, year = {} }