@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003810, author = {奥田, 孝晴}, issue = {1}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {2000-07-01, 2011-11-29}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to analyze the contemporary polito-economic relation between Taiwan and mainland China through the perspective of deepenig economic integrartion and interplay of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. From the middle of the 1990's, Taiwanese electronics industries which became the leading ones for its economic development have been shifting their product bases to mainand China. The increased interplay is driving the process of economic integration in the cross-strait and as a result, each society has been more mutually influenced by the other.  Today, we can observe the trend of socio-economic convergence between Taiwan and mainland China regardless of their political conflicts. Taiwan's society is to the direction of more democratic and "national" i.e. Taiwanese-oriented, on the other, mainland China becomes more market-oriented and decentralized in line with its social openization by the economic reformation.  In the early period of the 21st century, Taiwan and mainland China may be able to establish the basis of their reunification by the prevalence of socalled information technological (IT) revolution. China's IT-oriented social transformation will be partly achieved through the infiltration of Taiwanses electronics industries there. In other words, the prosepect of the reunification depends on how rapidly developes the cross-strait's economic interdependence.}, pages = {79--98}, title = {台湾電子産業の発展と21世紀の中台関係 : 中台関係の政治経済構造研究試論}, volume = {11}, year = {} }