@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003897, author = {丸山, 鋼二 and Maruyama, Koji}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {Though Islam force conquered the southwest of Xinjiang by the early fourteenth century, it could not advance east Kucha, ahead of Aqsu for about two hundred years. Tuglk Timur Khan, the first king of the Eastern Chaghatai-Khan Dynasty protected Islam and supported missions to Kucha. As a result of converting nomads to Islam, it is said that one hundred and sixty thousand Moguls were converted to Islam. Their convertion was superficial. Nomads who were used to living on grasslands despised Muslim living in the town and countryside. They still retained the old norm "yasaq" of Mongol horde. From the beginning it was difficult to build mosque and the law court of Islam on grasslands. Therefore Eshdin Hoja planned missions to Kucha, the rich oasis. He organaized the Islam Mission of Kucha. The Mission made massive and passionate propagation activities against the Buddhist. The Islamization of Kucha was accomplished as a consequence. Thus Buddhist cultural heritage of Kucha was destroyed.}, pages = {121--141}, title = {新疆クチャ地方のイスラム化と仏教文化破壊 : 中国新疆イスラム教小史4}, volume = {22}, year = {2012}, yomi = {マルヤマ, コウジ} }