@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003947, author = {丸山, 鋼二 and Maruyama, Koji}, issue = {1}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies}, month = {Jul}, note = {Having conquered Kucha and propagated Islam there in the middle of the fourteenth century, the Islam Force completed the "holy war" to Turpan around 1392, the period of Khizr Khoja Khan of Eastern Chaghatai-Khan Khanate. Karakhojo situated at the Turpan Basin where Buddhism was prospering made a military resistance to the attack. As a esult, Karakhojo, the capital of the Tienshan Uighur Kingdom had been thoroughly destroyed after the occupation. Priests were driven out, and all the temples and Buddhism roperty were destroyed completely. Thereafter, Karakhojo came down quickly and never revived again. Today, Karakhojo is left behind only as a famous tourist spot, Gaochang Ruins. On the other hand, the present Turpan City abandoned resistance at that time. So it remained without damage and the existence of Buddhism was allowed for a period of time. However, since Turpan was the center of the reign of the Eastern Chaghatai-Khan Khanate, Buddhism had been eliminated completely and replaced by Islam after decades of years. As an Islamic city, Turpan has been prospering until now.}, pages = {85--100}, title = {新疆トルファン地方のイスラム化と仏教衰退 : 中国新疆イスラム教小史5}, volume = {23}, year = {2012}, yomi = {マルヤマ, コウジ} }