@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004006, author = {齊藤, 功高}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies}, month = {Jan}, note = {To what extent does the American convention on Human Rights impact domestic law in Latin American countries ? Human rights violations, especially forced disappearances, found no relief under the military regime.   However, advances in human rights will be made in the countries which ratified human rights treaty in transition from a military regime to a democratic regime. I will take up Argentina as one of the countries in transition from a military coup to a democratic government and study what kind of influence on the decrease and the relief of forced disappearances Inter-American Human Rights system gives. First, I will describe the activity of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for the human rights situation under the military regime. Secondly, I will consider the influence of Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the Argentine human rights situation after having shifted to a democratic government. Thirdly, I will consider the influence of Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the Argentine human rights situation after having shifted to a democratic government. Finally, in a condition where international human rights have an influence on the domestic human rights, the establishment of the laws for human rights in the country is necessary. As domestic democratization advances, the influence of international human rights increases.}, pages = {45--73}, title = {アルゼンチンの移行期における米州人権委員会と米州人権裁判所の影響}, volume = {25}, year = {2015} }