@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005753, author = {Mizuno, Hirobumi and Sato, Iwao}, journal = {情報研究, Information and Communication Studies}, month = {Jan}, note = {Let D be a connected symmetric digraph, ZP a cyclic group of prime order p(> 3) and Γ a group of automorphisms of D. We enumerate the number of Γ-isomorphism classes of g-cycic Z3p-Covers of D for any nonunit g∈Z3p, where Z3p is the direct sum of three Zp., 情報学シンポジウム特集号\nタイトル日本語表記 : 対称有向グラフのあるcyclic abelian coversの同型について II}, pages = {3--18}, title = {Isomorphisms of Some Cyclic Abelian Covers of Symmetric Digraphs II}, volume = {25}, year = {2000} }