@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006045, author = {井上, 節子 and 菊池, 理沙 and 遠藤, 美智子 and 都筑, 馨介}, journal = {湘南フォーラム, Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Purpose: Active oxygens can be erased by antioxidants ingested from foods, however, antioxidant potentials of foods are influenced by the ingredients which may potentiate or inhibits antioxidants. Since madeleine contains a large amount of fat to be oxidized, it might be a great source of active oxygens. Here we made a prototype of antioxidative madeleine, a small shell-shape sponge cake. Brown rice was used as a main material, since it has high antioxidant capacity. Effects of oil, sugar and tea for the antioxidant capacity of the brown rice were also examined. The main purpose of this study is the creation of hypoallergenic madeleine using antioxidants which also tastes good. Method: We used either 8, 17, 25 or 33% brown rice in the main material and either oil 4.3% or 16.7%, either beet sugar 15%, 20% or 30%, either powdered green tea 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.5% or 0.7 % in combination of standard materials. To replace highly allergenic milk and egg, 30% almond milk and 1.6% baking powder were used. Total 20 prototypes of madeleine were prepared with various concentrations of materials mentioned above. Amounts of fat-soluble and water-soluble antioxidants were measured separately. Taste of madeleine was evaluated by oral tasting in four items (sweetness, texture, bitter and over-all evaluation) five-point version. Result: Water-soluble antioxidant potency is significantly higher in the madeleine of low concentration oil, but the fat-soluble antioxidant potency was lower. Anti-oxidizing potencies of two concentration oil, but the fat-soluble antioxidant potency was lower. Anti-oxidizing potencies of two were different in brown rice by the concentration of oil. When beet sugar concentration is low, antioxidizing potency of brown rice was higher. Water-soluble antioxidant capacity was significantly higher by the concentration of green tea. Fat-soluble antioxidant capacity was higher in green tea 0.3% or more, the effect of brown rice was small. Sensory evaluation texture was lower at brown rice 17.3% or more. Tea of 0.7% caused the bitterness, but had no effect on comprehensive evaluation. Fat-soluble antioxidant capacity was higher in green tea 0.3% or more, the effect of brown rice was small. Conclusion: Madeleine compored of brown rice 17.3%, oil 10%, beet sugar 15%, and green tea 0.7% had the strongest anti-oxidizing potency among 20 prototypes. Additionally, sensory assessment of the madeleine was high.}, pages = {51--58}, title = {抗酸化力の高い、アレルゲンの少ないマドレーヌ作りのための検討}, volume = {19}, year = {2015} }