@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006764, author = {福島, 一人 and Fukushima, Kazundo}, journal = {情報研究, Information and communication studies}, month = {Jul}, note = {Because the Tokyo Olympic & Paralympic Games are to be held in 2020, more and more foreign tourists are expected to visit Japan. The English signs in Japan’s popular tourist sites have to be increased in number and improved in quality so that the tourists will be able to enjoy fruitful and profitable trips to them. Following Fukushima (2016.1), this paper, as a case study, examines the English signs found particularly in the popular tourist sites, in the Hakone area in Kanagawa Prefecture, and the Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, and Izu areas, etc. in Shizuoka Prefecture. The signs discussed here are mainly those which indicate the generally summarized information about the places or things concerned. Additionally, the signs of general public notices will be examined when necessary. As to the signs already existent, their words, phrases, grammar and style etc. will be examined. If there are no English descriptions exhibited, English descriptions will be suggested. The methods of writing the explanatory notes and Japanese names of the places, persons, or things will in principle follow Fukushima (2015.7), (2015.9), and partly improve on them.}, pages = {21--51}, title = {観光英語(10):神奈川県と静岡県の観光名所、箱根、静岡、浜松、伊豆などに見られる案内板の英語}, volume = {55}, year = {2016}, yomi = {フクシマ, カズンド} }