@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006832, author = {小林, 勝法 and Kobayashi, Katsunori and 上田, 大 and 山内, 賢 and 松永, 修司 and 保科, 光作 and 高木, 聡子 and 柴原, 健太郎 and 増本, 達哉}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {We conducted a questionnaire survey at Bunkyo University’s Shonan Campus concerning students’ experiences with and attitudes towards sports, and analyzed their responses as reference information for organizing the physical education curriculum, preparing lesson plans for each class, and providing students with guidance. Responses were collected from 189 students and analyzed to determine recommendations for the physical education curriculum and student guidance: 1. The percentage of students that habitually participated in athletic activities was lower at Bunkyo University than the national average reported in a national survey. This suggests there is a need to provide guidance and support to help students at Bunkyo to become more physically active. 2. There is great demand for spectators at soccer, baseball, basketball, and volleyball competitions. Accordingly, initiatives to encourage students to spectate at these events could help to increase attendance. 3. The percentage of students who expressed desire to attend sporting events involving handicapped athletes in person was lower for Bunkyo University than the national average. This suggests that there is a need to educate Bunkyo University students about disability sports and encourage them to witness such events firsthand. 4. Many students cited “poor availability of information about volunteering” as a reason for not being able to serve as a volunteer at such sporting events despite wanting to do so. This suggests a need to provide pertinent information about how students can help at disability sports events.}, pages = {143--155}, title = {文教大学湘南校舎学生のスポーツ経験と意識}, volume = {28}, year = {2018}, yomi = {コバヤシ, カツノリ} }