@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007108, author = {吉田, 正生 and ヨシダ, マサオ and Yoshida, Masao}, journal = {教育学部紀要, Annual Report of The Faculty of Education}, month = {2017-12-20, 2018-06-29}, note = {One aim of the current work was to examine descriptions of Japanese-style paintings in social studies (history field) textbooks for middle school from the perspective of art history (with a historical/sociological bent) and from the perspective of fostering “successors of tradition and culture.” A second aim of this work was to offer ideas for improvements. Descriptions of Japanese-style paintings in 8 textbooks (7 published in 2011, 1 published in 2008) were examined. Descriptions of Japanese-style paintings were found to be inadequate in two senses. First, they fail to adequately convey the outcomes of art history. Second, they fail to adequately socialize children as successors of tradition and culture. These failings were not considered to be problems in the past. Chapter 1 describes how students studying to be teachers view the nation state and the problems with their view. Chapter 2 explains “narrative analysis” and how it was used to analyze descriptions of Japanese-style paintings. The results of that analysis are also described. One reason why the descriptions are inadequate is because the actions of figures Tenshin Okakura and Ernest Fenollosa are not explicitly described. As a result, the descriptions fail to give students both the practical knowledge they need for socialization and an accurate knowledge of art history. Another reason why the descriptions are inadequate is because they fail to portray the character of those figures so that students can understand why what those figures did was so challenging and so impressive. Improved descriptions are proposed. Last, issues that could not be addressed in this work are mentioned.}, pages = {25--43}, title = {中学校社会科歴史教科書における「日本画」関係記述の改変 : 「国民国家」観の拡大と「伝統・文化の担い手」育成をめざして}, volume = {51}, year = {} }