@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007132, author = {葉養, 正明 and Hayo, Masaaki}, journal = {教育学部紀要, Annual Report of The Faculty of Education}, month = {Dec}, note = {This work builds on a previous article on changes in pupils’ living conditions and learning environments after the Great East Japan Earthquake featured in this journal last year. The current work yielded several findings. 1.The negative effects of the disaster on the academic performance of middle schoolers could not be determined, but students throughout the city have spent less time studying. 2.The amount of time students spent studying tended to decline more for students who were living in shelters in comparison to students who were able to return to their homes. 3.Students who were living in shelters tended to have bleaker dreams for the future and career aspirations in comparison to the students who were able to return to their homes. 4.Students who were living in shelters had worse mental and physical health in comparison to students who were able to return to their homes. 5.The negative effects of the disaster on the academic performance of middle schoolers could not be specifically determined based on the above findings, but the disaster negatively affected the mid-term and long-term career paths of disaster victims. Given the above findings, two proposals are offered to affected cities or boards of education. 1.Emphasizing policies to improve the living conditions, learning environments, and care of students living in shelters. An example would be a policy to ensure a proper ratio of teachers who had survived the disaster in each affected school. 2.Establishing a comprehensive support system for children who had survived the disaster and who suffered its after-effects. The network would include personnel in various fields, public health centers, social welfare services, child welfare clinics, and NPOs.}, pages = {321--331}, title = {東日本大震災前後の中学生の学習環境、キャリア・パスの変化 : 岩手県宮古市の事例研究}, volume = {51}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ハヨウ, マサアキ} }