@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007254, author = {森, 恭子}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Japanese Government is promoting a reform “to form cohesive communities” and has stated one pillar of that reform is “improving the ability of local residents to address local issues.”Expectations are that local residents will take the lead in identifying local issues, a system will be created to try to address those issues, and residents will work with specialized support organizations to address those issues. This paper describes the “Welfare SOS Game” that was developed through collaboration between the Health and Welfare Department of the City of Soka and students in a seminar at this university. This paper indicates how the game improves the ability of local residents to take the lead in addressing local issues and how it helps to build community capacity. The “Welfare SOS Game” is a simulation/participatory teaching exercise that links local issues/problems to social resources. This game was originally started in a community welfare course to enhance the understanding of welfare among local residents of the City of Soka and to increase the number of the welfare personnel. This paper describes how this game was devised, an outline of the game, how the game is implemented, and how participants view the game. This paper also discusses various development possibilities for game development in accordance with participants and local conditions. 政府は「地域共生社会の実現」への改革を進める中で、改革の柱の一つとして、「地域課題の解決力の強化」を掲げている。そこでは地域住民が主体的に地域課題を把握し、解決を試みる体制づくりや専門支援機関と連携して解決を図っていくことが期待されている。 本稿は、草加市健康福祉部と筆者の大学のゼミと協働で開発した「福祉SOSゲーム」を紹介し、本ゲームが住民の地域課題の解決力を高め、地域力の構築の一助となることを示すものである。「福祉SOSゲーム」は、地域の課題・問題や社会資源を学ぶという模擬体験・参加型の教材である。もともと草加市民の福祉の理解を深め、福祉の担い手を増やす目的で行われてきた地域福祉講座を検討する中で本ゲームは誕生した。本稿では、本ゲームの作製経緯、その概要、実施状況および評価について述べる。また、本ゲームが、参加者や地域の実情に応じて、さまざまな発展の可能性を持っていることについても言及する。}, pages = {61--74}, title = {住民の地域課題の解決力を高める実践 : 福祉SOSゲームの可能性}, volume = {39}, year = {2018} }