@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007343, author = {岸, 清香}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {Sūtrālaṃkāravṛttibhāśya (=SAVBh) attributed Sthiramati is one of commentaries of the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkārabhāśya (=MSABh). Canonical citations came to be seen in the SAVBh (=textbook for Bodhisattva in Yogācāra school). SAVBh and other commentaries of the Yogācāra treatises may be attributed Sthiramati, but interpretation with canonical citations is unique to SAVBh. In general, almost commentaries of Buddhist treatises have feature of author’s opinion with explanations on technical terms. However, there are several canonical citations from Akṣayamatinirdeśasūtra (=Akṣ) and Kāśyapaparivartakasūtra (=KP) in the Chapter 18th of the SAVBh. Sthiramati only refers to two accumulations of bodhisattvas (saṃbhāra) with canonical citations from Kāśyapaparivartakasūtra in the Chapter 18th of the SAVBh. In this article, two accumulations of bodhisattvas (=saṃbhāra) with canonical citations from Kāśyapaparivartakasūtra will be discussed. According to analyzing of commentary on the 資糧 (saṃbhāra) in the SAVBh, the canonical citations from the KP emphasize that two accumulations of bodhisattvas is superior to that of Śrāvakas. Moreover, according to the Kāśyapaparivartakasūtraṭīkā (=KPṭ) attributed Sthiramati, Bodhisattvas lead unlearned bodhisattvas such like parents who give fresh butter them to enlightenment. Yogācāra treatises (i.e. Yogācārabhūmi (=YBh) and so on) also refer to a simile of fresh butter. We understand the simile of the fresh butter explain great feature of completed bodhisattvas for unlearned bodhisattvas in terms of educational tradition in Yogācāra school. On the basis of the KPṭ and YBh, in conclusion, we should understand two accumulaitons of bodhisattvas of the SAVBh.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {『大乗荘厳経論』における資糧(saṃbhāra)の概念−注釈書にみる概念理解の変遷−}, volume = {29}, year = {2019} }