@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007381, author = {村上, 純一 and ムラカミ, ジュンイチ and Murakami, Junichi}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {2019-03-01, 2019-03-23}, note = {Today, school extracurricular activities are often criticized. Whether or not teachers should be responsible for overseeing those activities has become a serious issue. If a teacher serves as a staff advisor to a club, he or she has to spend a great deal of time overseeing its activities, and teachers receive little monetary compensation for supervising extracurricular activities. In light of this situation, schools are considering appointing outside coaches and reviewing the‘Teaching Adjustments.’ However, criticisms of extracurricular activities are not specific to today. Criticisms of extracurricular activities began some 20 or 30 years ago. This paper considers current criticisms of extracurricular activities and their influence on current policies by referring to similar criticisms of extracurricular activities in the past. 近年、学校部活動に関する批判的な論調が目立っている。特に教員が部活動指導を担うことをめぐり、その時間的な負担や手当の少なさを問題視する見方が強く、外部指導者の積極的登用や、教員の時間外手当を規定する「給特法」の見直しなどが検討されている。 しかし、時代を遡ると、今日指摘されている課題は以前から見られたものであり、部活動批判も過去に見られなかったわけでは全くない。本稿では過去の部活動批判も参照しながら、今日における部活動批判の政策動向への影響を考察する。}, pages = {67--75}, title = {学校部活動に対する批判的言説に関する一考察}, volume = {40}, year = {} }