@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007447, author = {長坂, 泰之 and 梅村, 仁}, journal = {湘南フォーラム : 文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要, Shonan forum : journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Recession in commercial areas around the center of city has never stopped. It seems observable that not only department stores, playing a key role in commercial business, have continually declined in the area, but also local small and medium sized retail stores have decreased over and over. Although environmental change drastically occurs inside and outside of the central city, traditional ways to revive businesses still remain adopted repeatedly, which worsen shopping streets and shopping centers as a result. Accordingly, it is important to know in what way commercial areas get lively again. The purpose of this study is thereby to explore how business can be revitalized in the commercial area in the central city. To do so, the present research applied a case study in which to compare the conventional business with “Machizemi” and “Made-in-Amagasaki” as a different approach to revitalize business. Results revealed that these approaches led to creation of new customers, new town visitors, and even new communities. To wit, this study importantly illustrated that such approaches made unique change qualitatively as a critical business aspect.}, pages = {57--68}, title = {次代に向けた中心市街地の商業活性化事業の在り方についての研究}, volume = {21}, year = {2017} }