@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007483, author = {Graham, Jim}, issue = {1}, journal = {文学部紀要, Bulletin of The Faculty of Language and Literature}, month = {Oct}, note = {The author argues that textbooks introducing a variety of topics in the English language classroom for Japanese schoolchildren need to take into account the stunning rise of the Chinese middle class as not only a major world event of our time, but a transforming achievement for China’s neighbors as well. Efforts at passive notice have been made in past lesson material, but the author’s examination of 30 textbooks failed to turn up a focused and positive spotlighting of a middle class mainland Chinese personality or family. The first half of the following discussion recognizes the very real potentials for improvement while identifying the problem at hand; in the second half a hypothetical lesson is offered in the spirit of seeking a solution with a paragraph-by-paragraph explanation of its content.}, pages = {35--57}, title = {Pandas and People Too: The Reality Unseen in China-Related Topics Appearing in Japanese School Textbooks for English Language Learners}, volume = {33}, year = {2019} }