@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007549, author = {平川, 眞規子 and 福田, 倫子 and Fukuda, Michiko and 鈴木, 一徳 and Suzuki, Kazunori and 姜, 銀実}, journal = {言語と文化, Language and Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study investigates heritage Chinese speakers' linguistic knowledge of relative clauses in Chinese in terms of their comprehension and production. Previous heritage language studies have suggested that the key factors for heritage language attrition or loss are the age of arrival and language environment. We conducted a production task and a comprehension task to four heritage Chinese speakers living in Japan. Results showed that both native Chinese speakers and heritage Chinese speakers responded following the structural distance hypothesis and that some responses might indicate heritage language attrition.}, pages = {59--85}, title = {中国語の関係節の理解と産出:日本在住の継承中国語話者を対象とした探索的研究}, volume = {29}, year = {2017}, yomi = {フクダ, ミチコ and スズキ, カズノリ} }