@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007655, author = {関井, 友子}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {The "ie" is the traditional family system in Japan. After the War, the "ie" system was denied. An "ie" is not just a family system but is also based on Japanese spirituality. The "ie" remains alive in modern Japanese society. The "ie" is paternalistic and undemocratic. That said, the function of the "ie" is to safeguard the lives of family members. Therefore, succession of the "ie" is the essence of the system. Its principles have survived in Japanese corporate organizations. The "ie" system needs to be understood in family court mediation in Japan.}, pages = {45--50}, title = {家事調停のための家制度論}, volume = {41}, year = {2020} }