@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007758, author = {IMOTO, Ken and HAYASHI, Kaoru}, journal = {SHONAN JOURNAL : The International Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article will posit that in the twenty-first century, leadership can no longer be defined by traditional Western standards, and that leadership which can successfully cross cultures needs to be developed. First, the definitions of culture and leadership will be examined, as well as the complexities involved in expanding the concept of leadership to include intercultural leadership. Then characteristics of effective leadership as proposed by a number of academics in the fields of leadership and intercultural and cross-cultural studies will be considered, including the concept of connective leadership (Lipman-Blumen, 1996, 1998). An example of intercultural leadership, and how it is developed, will be analyzed in the person of Mohandas K. Gandhi. Finally, it will be proposed that all of us are capable of developing as leaders.}, pages = {27--36}, title = {Effect of the Resource Curse on Human Resource Development}, volume = {7}, year = {2016} }