@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007795, author = {竹林, 紀雄 and Takebayashi, Norio}, journal = {湘南フォーラム : 文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要, Shonan forum : journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {It is common for some languages to be used in certain regions, apart from languages that are widely utilized in a nation. When considering them as independent languages rather than a dialect of one language, the term local language may be applied. It is difficult to distinguish between national or official languages and local languages and dialects. Given a language system that approximates dialects, languages that differ from national languages, such as Celtic languages in Britain and France, should be considered as local rather than dialectal. In Japan, the Kagoshima dialect appears to be very different from the standard language, but this is a Japanese dialect. On the other hand, the Ryukyuan language, which has been spoken in the Ryukyu Islands (Nansei Islands), is a language that was once spoken as the official language of the Ryukyu Kingdom, an independent region ofJapan. In this study, we explore the influence of the local Ryukyuan language called Uchinaguchi on music by interviewing Rinken Teruya, a leading Okinawan musician.}, pages = {19--29}, title = {りんけんバンド・照屋林賢と琉球語(ウチナーグチ)}, volume = {24}, year = {2020}, yomi = {タケバヤシ, ノリオ} }