@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007863, author = {目黒, 庸一}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {2021-01-31}, note = {The present study investigated the effect of individual differences in second language (L2) learners’ cognitive and learning styles regarding attitude, self-confidence, language anxiety, perceived task difficulty, and preferences for online L2 learning versus face-to-face L2 learning. Cognitive style refers to the characteristic manner of information processing such as perceiving, remembering, thinking, and problem-solving, whereas learning style refers to preferences for learning and studying, for example, analytic versus global learning approaches. Participants were 122 university students enrolled in the Faculty of International Studies and the Faculty of Health and Nutrition. They attended 13 on-demand L2 classes in which they individually studied online materials, such as videos and PDF files. A range of 10 cognitive and learning styles were measured by having participants answer a 100-item self-reported questionnaire; a subsequent 36-item questionnaire measured their attitude, self-confidence, language anxiety, perceived task difficulty, and general preferences for online L2 learning (including on-demand and real-time learning) versus face-to-face L2 learning. Results showed that there was no relationship between learner styles and attitudes towards online instruction, perceived task difficulty, nor preference for online L2 learning. Conversely, self-confidence was associated with random-intuitive, closure-oriented, sharpening, and field-independent styles. Moreover, language anxiety was found to be related to tactile-kinesthetic and field-dependent styles, while preference for face-to-face L2 learning was related to extraverted and impulsive learner styles. Therefore, it is suggested that individual learner factors influence learners’ perception of specific forms of L2 instruction.}, pages = {15--28}, title = {オンライン授業における第二言語学習者の情意面と 認知・学習スタイルの関係性}, volume = {31}, year = {} }