@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007867, author = {山岸, キャサリン}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {In a task-based language teaching (TBLT) approach, the focus involves thinking about language in the context of a meaning-focused activity. In examining the use of the ‘task cycle framework’, to promote a language focus through a meaning based and real-world task this paper addresses the following two questions: 1) how effective is an unfocused task in eliciting general samples of language in the context of meaning-focused activities and 2) what is the learner experience of a task-based language teaching approach? An unfocused task was designed to elicit general samples of language, based on the protocol, etiquette and customs involved in visiting Shrines in Japan. Priming tasks were used to introduce new linguistic material and to assist the participant in generating additional output or language relative to the task. The target task was authentic in that the participant had the opportunity to perform the task outside the classroom environment in a real-world setting and is likely to use what he learnt in future situations. The focus was on language in the context of communicative activities, not a focus on isolated forms. By administering conscious awareness raising tasks, highlighting useful expressions and patterns over the treatment period, results showed an improvement in the participant’s vocabulary knowledge, fluency and overall L2 output. Evaluation was directed at accountability and improvement by examining the outcome and actual performance of the task. Overall, this study found that implementing an unfocused task with a set prompt and clear boundaries (in the form of visual aids) was a successful approach in eliciting general samples of language primarily based on meaning.}, pages = {51--70}, title = {Using a Task Based Teaching Approach to Promote the Acquisition of English Language Production for a Real-World Setting}, volume = {31}, year = {2021} }