@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007908, author = {石原, 俊一}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the autonomic nervous system response to music in a minor key evoking negative emotional states. [Method] Fifty-three university students were randomly divided into one group that watched a video evoking negative emotions and that heard music in a minor key (n = 14), a second group that watched a video evoking negative emotions and that did not hear music (n = 12), a third group that did not watch a video and that heard music (n = 13), and a fourth group that did not watch a video or hear music (n = 14). During the experiment, heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), low frequency component (LF) of HR variability, the high frequency component (HF) of HR variability, the LF/HF ratio, baroreceptor reflex (BRS), and score on the Japanese version of the Short Form of the Profile of Mood States (POMS-SF) were measured. [Results and Discussion] Results revealed that reduced stress was evident in the SBP and HF when watching a video evoking negative emotions and hearing music in a minor key. Moreover, alleviation of negative emotion was noted in vigor/activity on the POMS-SF. These results suggest that hearing music in a minor key while in a negative emotional state causes a reduction in stress response and negative emotions. 【目的】本研究では,本研究の目的は、ネガティブ感情状態に対する短調音楽における自律神経系反応の検討することである。 【方法】53名の大学生を、ネガティブ感情を想起させる映像を視聴し,短調音楽を提示する条件(n=14),ネガティブ感情を想起させる映像を視聴し,音楽を提示しない条件(n=12),映像を提示せず,短調音楽を提示する条件(n=13),映像を提示せず,音楽を提示しない条件(n=14)にランダムに割り当てた。実験セッション中,心拍(HR),収縮期血圧SBP), 拡張期血圧(DBP),心拍変動における低周波成分(LF),高周波成分(HF),LF/HF比,圧受容体反射(BRS),POMS短縮版の日本語版を測定した。 【結果と考察】ネガティブ映像と短調音楽を提示した条件で,音楽提示期間においてSBPとHFおいてストレス低減効果が認められ,POMSの活動性においてネガティブ感情改善効果が認められた。これらのことは,ネガティブ感情状態で短調音楽を聴取することにより,ストレス反応やネガティブ感情の低減が生じることを示唆している。}, pages = {45--57}, title = {ネガティブ感情状態に対する短調音楽における自律神経系反応の検討}, volume = {42}, year = {2021} }