@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007910, author = {小原, 千郷 and 菅原, 彩子 and 西園マーハ, 文 and 鈴木堀田, 眞理}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {Eating disorders are more socially stigmatized than other psychiatric disorders. In order to reduce social stigma and the stigma felt by patients themselves, awareness needs to be raised by people with eating disorders. The purpose of this study was to examine the motives and influences of people with eating disorders who delivered a presentation in an online eating disorder campaign. Eight of the nine participants who made a presentation participated in this study. Results indicated that all the participants with eating disorders who made a presentation in the campaign felt positively about their participation. They cited positive reactions and empathy, new connections, opportunities to reach out to many people, and the opportunity for personal reflection as positive aspects. The only negative aspects were dissatisfaction and regret with the contents of the presentation given. Results revealed that people with eating disorders who talk about their own experiences in public are mainly motivated to help other people with eating disorders and to receive empathy and build connections for their own recovery. 摂食障害の啓発のためには当事者の活動が重要である。本研究の目的は、WEB上の摂食障害の啓発イベントで発表した当事者の、発表動機や発表の影響について検討することであった。その結果、当事者は参加を肯定的にとらえており、肯定的な反応や共感、新たなつながり、多くの人への発信機会、自分を振り返る機会が得られたことをプラスと捉えていた。摂食障害の経験者が自分自身の経験を人前で語る主な動機は、摂食障害の人の役に立ちたい、自分自身の回復のため、共感・繋がりを得たいことであることが明らかとなった。}, pages = {71--80}, title = {オンライン上で行う摂食障害の啓発活動の試みとその課題:当事者の発表動機と発表の影響に着目して}, volume = {42}, year = {2021} }