@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007935, author = {孫, 美幸}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {In this paper, based on the concept that connects the perspectives of “multicultural coexistence” and “life” in the traditional Japanese thought, I examined how it was expressed in Okinawan folktales, especially focusing on “foreigners”. I also suggested some points for multicultural education in Japanese society. In Okinawan folktales, there was some hope to live with “foreigners” in the way of depicting the relationship between humans and “foreigners” based on “suffering together”. In order to establish a long-term relationship to live together, it became clear that “crying” and “laughing” were used as a way of releasing from “suffering” in Okinawan folktales. In the present practices of multicultural education, it is important to first regain the sense of “suffering together” and to think specifically about how each person can regain the sense in the context of each region. Moreover, the most important thing is how to release the “suffering” and help the circulation in order to create a long-term relationship to live together with “foreigners”. At the same time, it is also meaningful to make use of external power in multicultural education. For example, the three viewpoints of “life” were deeply related to creating the internal culture of peace and global peace in the implementation of multicultural education. I gave specific examples of practical methods such as “slow breathing”, “touching”, “releasing the body”, etc. in “your own body”, one of the themes of “life”. By incorporating such specific examples in a way that suit the circumstances of each region, I believe that it will become more sustainable multicultural education programs.}, pages = {19--34}, title = {沖縄の民話における「異人」たちと「多文化共生」 -日本社会における多文化共生教育への示唆}, volume = {30}, year = {2020} }