@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007937, author = {上谷, 香陽}, issue = {2}, journal = {文教大学国際学部紀要, Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University}, month = {Jan}, note = {The purpose of this paper is to examine some basic concepts of Dorothy Smith’s sociological investigation (sociology for women or Institutional Ethnography). Based on her discussion, this paper reconsiders the way of knowing the social from within the everyday world. Smith’s sociology tries to produce alternative sociological knowledge that extends people’s ordinary knowledge as practitioners of their everyday lives into realms of social relations that go beyond their everyday world. This paper considers Smith’s article “No One Commits Suicide:Textual Analyses of Ideological Practices” (Smith 1990a:141-173) to understand her concept of social organization of knowledge. In this article she examines the disjuncture between primary narrative of experience and ideological narrative of experience. She takes up such disjuncture as a point of entry into investigation of the ideological circle in which what is primary in people’s experience is subordinated to the ideologically organized factual account.}, pages = {55--68}, title = {経験を語る二つの様式の断絶 -知識の社会的組織化をめぐるドロシー・スミスの着眼点-}, volume = {30}, year = {2020} }