@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008021, author = {山川, 智子 and Yamakawa, Tomoko}, journal = {言語文化研究科紀要, Bulletin of The Bunkyo University Graduate School of Language and Culture}, month = {Mar}, note = {After the Second World War, Europe began to integrate to its present EU state with the aim of preventing the recurrence of war. Although the UK has left the EU in recent years, countries around the world, not just Europe, are striving to overcome many global issues. European integration was possible because the citizens were ready to develop an awareness of “European Citizens”. It is believed that fostering awareness of European citizens can prevent war in Europe. Although “awareness” and “consciousness” are difficult concepts to grasp objectively, the overall tendency can be grasped from collecting facts. We will be able to find a common understanding from the detailed phenomena in daily life of citizens and create images and rules that can be convincing. This research note takes the challenges of the European Schools(Schola Europaea)as an example, located in six European countries. These schools were established mainly for children of the staff of European institutions and these schools are sometimes called “laboratories.” However, some challenges to foster European awareness are worth being introduced in Japan.}, pages = {137--157}, title = {ヨーロッパ市民の意識を育むことばの教育:ヨーロッパ学校の実験から考える}, volume = {8}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ヤマカワ, トモコ} }