@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008145, author = {幸田, 達郎 and Koda, Tatsuo}, issue = {13}, journal = {SHONAN JOURNAL : The International Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this paper I reviewed and tried to simplify the changes in the personnel systems in Japanese companies, with particular focus on their psychological aspects. Finally, it considers how these systems will change in the future. After the end of the Second World War, many companies separated and clarified elements for evaluating job performance from the evaluation for the overall salary, which was provided as a living wage, but subsequently, the operation of personnel systems that considered both the living wage curve and the maturity curve was mainstream. This consistency from a psychological view with Maslow'shierarchy of needs was often cited. Following that, measuring through performance approval to what extent each employee was able to achieve his specific objectives was attempted with the introduction of management by objectives. In psychological terms, achievement goal theory served as the premise for this. Moreover, achievement motivation and a spirit of challenge were emphasized. After that, with the introduction of performancebased systems, an increasing number of companies incorporated management by objectives in their system for treating employees together with a transition from an ability-based grade system to job evaluation. From now, with teleworking becoming more central, the mere-exposure effect will decline, and disparities in communication inside and outside the company will lessen. The relationship between work itself, which has traditionally made time management its basis, and its reward will collapse. It is surmised that the relationship between the company and the employee will turn to something close to a contractual relationship, which focuses more on performance and results.}, pages = {31--44}, title = {Origins and Future of Seniority-based and Performance-based Evaluation and Wage Systems in Japanese Companies}, year = {2022}, yomi = {コウダ, タツオ} }