@article{oai:bunkyo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000837, author = {吉川, 延代 and 今野, 義孝}, journal = {人間科学研究, Bulletin of Human Science}, month = {2011-03-01, 2011-03-08}, note = {Open-ended descriptions obtained from a total of 226 males and females in 113 couples were classified into 19 categories: ① economic stability, ② maintaining relationships, ③ understanding, ④ support, ⑤ cooperation and understanding of child-rearing chores, ⑥ discussion, ⑦ a sense of peace, ⑧ confidence, ⑨ balancing work and household chores, ⑩ housework, ⑪ priority of home, ⑫ health, ⑬children, ⑭faithful, ⑮ love, tenderness, compassion, and thanks, ⑯ smiling, cheerfulness, and pleasantness, ⑰ mutual understanding, support, and cooperation, ⑱ mental stability, and ⑲ equal relationship. As a result of factor analysis with promax rotation using the principal factor method, six factors were identified: "peace," "stability," "mutual understanding," "healthy home," "maintaining love," and "equality of child-rearing chores." Comparisons of three clusters (Cluster 1: High agreement in Communication, Cluster 2: Disagreement in Communication and Sense of Relief, Cluster 3: High agreement in all sub-scales) revealed that the clusters and the factors were not significantly related. However, couples in Cluster 2 were characterized as having poor communication skills and conflict resolution skills and as being less satisfied with the couple's relationship. Thus, couples in Cluster 2 may have problems with attaining mutual understanding, support, and cooperation.}, pages = {189--196}, title = {婚前カップルにおけるパートナーに対する期待内容の特徴 : クラスタ分析によるカップル間比較}, volume = {32}, year = {} }